Technology Obliges

4 March – EU Tech Chamber Energy Council – After Event

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With nearly 100 registrants from plus 20 countries at our “Digital Investment Talk on Combining SDG 7 & 9: EU and African Energypreneurs as driver for local value chain building on March 04th the Energy Council of the EU Tech Chamber could welcome again a highly passionate audience.

Key take-aways were: need to start with the understanding of the local needs in the community to offer fit-for-purpose turn-key solutions; for making business sustainable start from the perspective from a social entrepreneur and as energy is cross-cutting please do not ignore the chance to gain from selling carbon credits when creating projects.

Sincere thanks to our moderator Sebekedi KOLOI, WESGRO (South Africa), who has well encouraged the panelists for an insightful dicussion: Verick SCHICK, Agency for Business & Economic Development (Germany), Norah MAGERO, Co-Founder Drop Access & RE Consultant (Kenya), Pascal NYIRINGANGO, African Center of Excellence in Energy for sustainable development (Rwanda) and Hamed BEHESTI, Co-Founder & CEO Boreal Light (Germany).

Many thanks to our Executive Board Member Javier Gonzalez for his inspirational introduction as well as to EU Senate VP Benedikt Grütz to pass certificates – guaranteeing the planting of 10 trees in Senegal as part of the Mustard Seed IHD Initiative – as thank you to each panelist.

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