Technology Obliges

8 April – EU Tech Chamber Ethics Commission – Topic: New Ways of Corporate Philanthropy

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Historically, Corporate Philanthropy has typically involved companies seeking out charitable groups and giving them money or donating company products or services. Today, the focus has shifted to strategic giving, which ties philanthropy and corporate social responsibility efforts closely to a company’s mission or goals and targets donations to the communities where a company does business. What is the technology role in this challenging and changing moment for companies? Do you want to know more about these new ways for corporate philanthropy?

Please allow us to take the honor to welcome you to join our upcoming Ethics & SDGs Commission Digital Panel on “New Ways for Corporate Philanthropy” on Thursday April 8th 2021 starting at 9:00 am CET, and allow yourself to know how the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) helps to enable organizations for developing and achieving its Philanthropy and CSR Goals through technology.

Register now:

DATE               Thursday, April 8, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CET 

LOCATION     Zoom Webinar

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