Technology Obliges

16 April – EU Tech Chamber IoT Council – After Event

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With over 120 registered attendees the EU Tech Chamber (EUTEC)’s IoT Digital Panel on the topic “Digital Farming – IoT on the fields” successfully kicked-off on the 16th of April!

Sincere thanks for such a great webinar to our panelists Tobias Fausch CIO of BayWa, and Thomas Weisshaupt Wirepas Ecosystem Architect, for sharing your valuable knowledge on the field of Internet of Things technology.

It was a pleasure to have you!

We also would like to thank our EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Board Member Stefan Stempian for his inspirational introduction, the Chairman of the IoT Tech Council Joerg Schiller for leading this lively session and finally Benedikt Grütz, Vice President of the European Senate of Economy and Technology.

Last but in least, heartfelt thanks to our all participants for the event. See you next time.

Stay tuned for our next webinar on May 21st about “Smart Kitchen – IoT in the meal production”, please register here to be part of this Webinar:


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