Technology Obliges

We would like to welcome “EuroAfri Link” as a new EU Tech Advocate

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EuroAfri Link (EAL) is a social enterprise with a mission to connect African agribusinesses with European entrepreneurs and investors in agriculture. Their aim is also to attract investments for projects in Africa which close the gender gap and create a win-win collaboration that is free, inclusive, sustainable and fair.

EuroAfri Link’s main goal is to create a trade channel between African farmers and European consumers using technologies in the Supply Chain for agri products, and capacity development for future scale-up and sustainability of the business.

EuroAfri Link acts as a mediator between African entrepreneurs and European investors. EAL helps African entrepreneurs to connect to seed capital investment for their business growth in agriculture, renewable energy, water and housing projects that have a strong impact potential and safe for investment.

EuroAfri Link provides mentoring services to African professionals seeking to study at accredited agri and tech universities and institutions in Europe.

Connect with EuroAfri Link with your technologies that needs replication in Africa, source African products, for students exchange programs and invest in Africa projects.

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