Technology Obliges

14 May – EU Tech Chamber Advanced Manufacturing Council – After Event

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With nearly 100 registered audience the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH)‘s Advanced Manufacturing Digital Panel on the topic “AR and VR in Advanced Manufacturing” successfully kicked-off last week!

Sincere thanks for such a great webinar to our panelists Franck Milet, CEO of and VR4BusinessJernej Mirt co-founder and business development manager at VIARVolker Kunze, Team Lead Digital Solutions at Additive Minds Academy and Lin Kayser, CEO of Hyperganic Group and Chair Advanced Manufacturing Council for sharing your valuable knowledge on the field of AR-VR and Advanced Manufacturing. It was a pleasure to have you!

We also would like to thank Javier Lopez´ inspirational introduction, and Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Director of Advanced Manufacturing Council, for leading this lively session.

Stay tuned for our next webinar on June 11th about “IoT in Advanced Manufacturing”, also stay connected with us through our Linkedin Advanced Manufacturing Group.

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