Technology Obliges

March 25, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Environment Alliance – Clean Tech: Incubation, Acceleration and Investment

The EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH)‘s Environment Alliance had a very interesting webinar on the topic Clean Tech: Incubation, Acceleration and Investment”.

Within the session, we talked about how Large companies, organizations, and entities are becoming ever more involved in Clean Technologies as they find new sources of income by increasing sustainability and creating more eco-friendly products and services. Indeed, by adopting Clean Tech and new lines of environmentally-friendly approaches, industries and sectors are reducing their emissions and resource consumption, while also cutting costs and maximizing resource efficiency.
Promoted by The EU Tech Chamber, the Environment Alliance, today’s Digital Talk aimed to analyze how these initiatives are dedicated to finding solutions to a specific global challenge, from climate change and sustainability for healthy and responsible living. However, is difficult to understand the different incubation and accelerator programs, with the mission to find, fund, and foster entrepreneurs with ideas to solve our greatest environmental challenges. We took a closer look at what Clean Technology means, discuss what the future holds for the world of sustainable technology, opportunities, and how to be successful in the field!

Biggest thanks to our two keynote speakers Amelie Desrochers – MSc and and Timo K. for your informed insights and reflections on these crucial topic, to our panelists, Elena Salamandîc-Alijošienė and 🌏 Yoann Fol 🌱 for today’s day and age. We are looking forward to continuing this conversation in our Digital talks.
Thank you to María Alejandra Pulido Director of the Environment Alliance, for the moderation and the Welcome Speech, and Marcin Kiełt, Director of Climate Action Alliance for the instructive EUTECH’s introduction.

The most of all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comment, compliments and questions – Stay tuned for our next Environment Alliance Panel on April 22nd, about “Clean Water: Innovation and Tech”.

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