Technology Obliges

December 9, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Environment Alliance – Sustainable Construction: Methods and Benefits

One more very perceptive and pleasant webinar was held by the EU Tech Chamber Environment Alliance on Dec 9, 2022. The topic of this digital talk was, “Sustainable Construction: Methods and Benefits”

Salvatore Cavallaro – Coordinator Environment Alliance was the moderator of this webinar. He welcomed the three distinguished speakers: Jana Skokan-Co-founder & Director – Frogeex, Paula Huerta-Founder Bambook Studio and Anton Hendrix – Daylight and Solar Shading Specialist at ACC.

Tremendous speakers shared their valuable insights on the topic and answered many interesting questions asked by the moderator and attendees of this webinar.

The speakers voiced their understanding and emphasized; the world requires sustainable construction projects that are secure, inexpensive, and environment friendly. They discussed the challenges which might come ahead to such projects like, design, usage, maintenance, management of buildings as well as financial, norms, standard and regulation aspects.

They added that what steps in building pre-design phase are beneficial instead of “force-fitting” sustainability measures on a building in final stage.

Endorsed by The EU Tech Chamber and the Environment Alliance, this digital talk intended to voice that the use of natural resources during building, ground consumption, and energy usage and emissions are only a few of the factors that make the construction industry one of the most harmful to the environment.

Biggest thanks to our honorable speakers: Jana Skokan, Paula Huerta and Anton Hendrix for your informed insights and reflections on this conclusive topic, to our panelists. We are looking forward to continuing this conversation in our digital talks.

Thank you, Salvatore Cavallaro – Coordinator Environment Alliance for moderating the event and for presenting Tree Certificates to our speakers.

Most of all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comment, compliments, and questions.

Keep an eye out for our very informative forthcoming webinars!

#eutecchamber #technologyobliges #environmentalliance #europe