Technology Obliges

December 9, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

IoT Alliance – IoT and the Circular Economy

The Internet of Things (IoT) has an important role to play in the circular economy, by helping your business keep products in use in a way that makes money plus enhances the customer experience.

To discuss the correlation between IoT and circular economy, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Internet of Things (IoT) Alliance organized a webinar on December 09, 2022. The topic under discussion was, “IoT and the Circular Economy”.

The webinar started off with a short overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the panelists by Mr. Frederik Simon Pierre Tchoungui who is the coordinator of the Digital Transformation Alliance.

The two panelists who participated in today’s event were, Mr. Stefan Ehrenberger, Environmental and Bioresources Manager at and Mr. 🌲Antti Kosunen, CEO and Co-founder of Earthster.

While addressing the webinar, the speakers emphasized on the importance of circular economy and its role on providing people with the good and services they need, whilst minimizing the impact on the planet.

Moreover, IoT is a crucial part of the circular economy as it gives organizations better visibility of supply chains, bringing greater opportunities for control and innovation.

We want to thank our respectable speakers for their informed insights on this much-needed topic. Moreover, special thanks to Mr. Frederik Tchoungui for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next IoT Alliance webinar!

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