Technology Obliges

July 13, 2022 (CEST) @ 3:00 PM

Latam Alliance-The Future of Smart Cities in Latin America

Within today’s session, we talked about how smart cities are gaining more traction in Latin America as nations look for innovative ways to address poverty and improve the lives of their citizens. Across the region, the developing countries are embracing technology to address environmental concerns and improve living conditions and alternative solutions.

We took a deep dive into how Latin America has the potential to create equitable and accessible smart cities, providing disruptive opportunities for a better future.

Enormous thanks to our four great key note speaker Jorge Barros, Ph.D, panelists Gregory Engelbrecht and Alvaro Porcuna de la Rosa for your insights and reflections into these critical topics of today’s day and age. We are looking forward to continuing this conversation in our Latin America Alliance.

Thank you to María Alejandra Pulido Pulido as Director of our Latin America Alliance for moderation and the Welcome Speech, and Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Director of Sustainable Manufacturing Alliance, for the instructive EUTECH’s introduction.

Finally, thank you to all our participants. It was a pleasure to receive so much positive feedback. Thank you all for your attendance and participation.

Stay tuned for our next Latin America Alliance Panel on August 10th about “Startups & Scaleups: Impact through Success”

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