Technology Obliges

June 21, 2022 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

Mobility Alliance – Inclusive Mobility through a gender lens

On 21st June 2022, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Mobility Alliance held a successful digital talk on the topic “Inclusive Mobility through a gender lens.”

With around 80 registrations, the digital panel discussed how we can make sure to develop new technologies and solutions, that also include the travel needs of women and people with disabilities.

The webinar was officiated with a warm welcome by Bernd Mattner, Chair of the EU Tech Mobility Alliance, and board member of the Global Partners Bayern Association. Followed by a comprehensive introduction to the core of the mission and vision of the EU Tech Chamber by Marcin Kiełt, Director of Climate Action Alliance at EUTECH, the session was marvellously moderated by Serdar Yucel, Director of Mobility Alliance at EUTECH.

Taking a deep dive into the discussion, keynote speaker Sandra Witzel shared her insightful presentation and unleashed major discrimination faced by women in the mobility sector. “Women experience so-called pink tax in transport as well. And the pink tax is basically a gender-based tax, where women get charged more for signed products and services compared to men,” she said.
Panellist Nathan Ashley pointed out that the key to inclusive mobility is intent, “the first point to start with is all-round intent. Transport is designed by men for men, so if we gonna change anything then it needs to be inten.”

While panellist Lena Rickenberg highlighted: “It seems we are still at the phase of realising our inequalities and our problems, but we are not ready to tackle them yet. In the European traffic and transport sector, the proportion of women is only 22 per cent in 2019 according to the European Commission. So, in order to have more inclusive city and transportation planning, it just needs more women in mobility and more women in leading positions, because we already bring as a person, different perspective to the table.”

Panellist Petra Dr. Nass talked about the future of mobility, and stated, “We will see the technological unemployment which can have a huge impact on gender-pay gap… Technological unemployment will disrupt the job market and this will then also have an impact on the salary, it will have an impact also on the mobility.”

John Tidmarsh, Founder/CEO of VAI Capital, also offered some great insights expanding the audience’s knowledge on the topic. Answering many interesting comments and questions, the webinar unbridled a lot of information on how we can ensure our future mobility modes and systems are inclusive.

The webinar concluded with presenting the tree certificates Jörg Tuchen, Chair of the Climate Action Alliance at EUTECH to the esteemed panellist as an appreciation for their meaningful participation.

Stay tuned for our next Mobility Alliance Digital Panel on July 19 on “How to ensure equity in mobility?”.

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