Technology Obliges

September 27, 2022 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

WIT Alliance -Empowering Women as Clean Energy Entrepreneurs

Research reveals that women are inadequately represented in roles such as founders and CEOs of organisations, especially in the renewable energy sector which employs about 32% of women in its workforce.

To address this issue, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Women in Tech (WiT) Alliance organised a much-needed seminar on September 27, 2022. The topic under discussion was, “Empowering Women as Clean Energy Entrepreneurs”.

The webinar started off with an introductory note by Ms. Sierra von Tucher, Board Member of the WiT Alliance, followed by a short EUTECH overview and a formal introduction of the three panelists by our moderator, Ms. Svetlana Nyameyo who is also the coordinator at the EUTECH Chamber.

The three honorable panelists were Ms. Keleadile Ruda, founder of Women in Energy Trust (Botswana), then, we had Ms. Jane Nakasamu, CEO of Greenbelt Energy (Zambia). The third panelist was Ms. karima Kaddatouati Eps Bergheul, President and Founder of Women Association in Green Economy (Algeria).

During the webinar, the focus of speakers was to discuss the challenges to growth within the energy sector and providing their solution/services. While talking about the challenges in Botswana, Ms. Ruda raised concerns regarding the women participation in clean energy stating that ‘the market still needs women in higher leadership positions.’

“Out of 3 million households in Zambia, only 16% have access to clean cooking solutions,” told Ms. Nakasamu in her opening statement. Furthermore, she addressed some more problems faced by women in Zambia followed by the solutions/services her company provides in the field of renewable energy planning, design and development.

The panelists emphasized on the idea of women empowerment throughout the webinar encouraging young women to embrace the barriers and speak out for themselves.

Promoted by the EUTECH and WiT Alliance, today’s digital talk aimed to empower women in the renewable energy sector.

Biggest thanks to our respectable speakers for their informed insights and experiences on these crucial topics. Thank you to Ms. Svetlana Nyameyo for the moderating the webinar and presenting Tree-Certificates to the panelists. The most of all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comment, compliments, and questions.

Stay tuned for our next WiT Alliance webinar on October 25, 2022, about “Impact Investing Projects in Emerging Markets”.

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