Technology Obliges

May 23, 2023 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

WIT Alliance – Wellbeing and Care in the Metaverse

The EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Women in Tech (WiT) Alliance webinar on “Wellbeing and Care in the Metaverse” started off with an introductory note and a short overview of the organization.
The event was moderated by Ms. Svetlana Nyameyo, an EUTECH coordinator, who gave a brief overview of today’s topic and a formal introduction of the distinguished panelists.

The panelists for today’s webinar were:

·        Ms. Marie Zamecnikova, Director at Marie Olivie Ltd,
·        Ms. Eve Logunova-Parker, CEO & Founder of Evenness.

During the webinar, the speakers emphasized on the significance of accessible healthcare, immersive therapy experiences as well as personalized care approaches, in the metaverse. They also discussed several challenges were brought up that are currently being faced. One of these challenges involves tackling the digital divide, which refers to the disparity in access to technology and digital resources.

Another issue discussed was the increasing complexity of data protection and the need to address it effectively. The speaker also emphasized the importance of striking a balance between physical interactions and virtual interactions in today’s society.

Additionally, the speaker highlighted the significance of implementing strict anti-harassment policies to combat cyberbullying effectively. Lastly, the speaker touched upon the necessity of establishing a framework of ethical standards to regulate the use of artificial intelligence, as it is often misused by users.

We want to thank our experienced speakers for their valuable contribution. Moreover, special thanks to Ms. Svetlana Nyameyo for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next WiT Alliance webinar on June 27, 2023, about “How to Get Support and Funding for Women in Tech?”

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