12 February – EU Tech Chamber Advanced Manufacturing Council – Topic: Manufacturing Resilience Through Industry 4.0

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COVID 19 has caused a worldwide tragic human catastrophe and global shock that has affected many businesses from every sector. Manufacturers have been hit hard, with swings in demand, restricted access to supplies, infrastructure failure and societal impacts weakening their resilience.

COVID was not the first neither will it be the last global shock that will hit the manufacturing sector. In fact, it is predicted that the frequency and severity of these global shocks, whether caused by a virus, terrorist attack, technical failure, natural disaster, climate change, or political or industrial action, is set to increase.

Manufacturers need to understand the impact of potential global shocks on their business and develop strategies to mitigate the risks. Digital transformation and sustainability need to be at the center of these strategies.

The Advanced Manufacturing Council of the EU Tech Chamber takes great pleasure to welcome you to it next Digital Event about “Manufacturing Resilience Through Industry 4.0” on Friday February 12th, 2021 starting at 9:00am CET. We will provide insight into this complex issue, trying to provide solutions through different expert visions and perspectives.

Lin Kayser, EU Tech´s Chair Advanced Manufacturing Council, will delight us with a Keynote Speech, and we have invited Paul Calver, Chairman and CFO of The Data Analysis Bureau and Margaret Wood, Chairman of ICW UK Ltd.  to share with us their value know-how and insights. Florian von Tucher, Chairman EU Tech Chamber, will make a brief introduction of the Chamber to the audience while Federico González de Aledo, EU Tech´s Director Advanced Manufacturing Council will be moderating the event.

Do not miss the opportunity and register here: 

#eutechchamber #technologyobliges #advancedmanufacturing #industry4.0

DATE               Friday, February 12, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m. CET 

LOCATION     Zoom Webinar

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