14 May – EU Tech Chamber Advanced Manufacturing Council – Topic: VR and AR in Advanced Manufacturing

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Originally developed as technologies for gaming and entertainment, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are rapidly gaining traction in the manufacturing industry.

There are different ways of digitally manipulating somebody’s perception of reality. The easiest is to enhance the user’s perception of the external world by adding digital elements to it, a technique called augmented reality (AR). Virtual reality (VR) takes this technology one step further by completely substituting the user’s reality with a digitally-generated one.

Recently, the manufacturing sector has discovered the potential of AR and VR in cutting costs and increasing safety and productivity. But what exactly are the applications of these revolutionary technologies in the factory?

Speeding up production

VR is currently used by forward-thinking manufacturers to improve their approach to predictive analytics. While finding flaws in a product design could take weeks of analysing data, interacting with the product digitally allows you to spot a design flaw in just a few minutes.

The same process can be applied to a whole production line.

Increasing safety

Safety is another area where VR can be successfully applied. By digitally simulating the production processes, it’s possible to identify dangerous maneuvers in advance.

The same process can be used to improve consumers’ safety by simulating the real circumstances in which a product will be used.

Maintenance and training

AR can facilitate maintenance. For example, the information that technicians need when checking or repairing a machine can be projected directly on the part on which they are operating, eliminating the need to consult charts and instruction manuals, speeding up the process.

Similarly, AR can be used to deliver expert support without flying specialists from one side of the globe to the other.

The Advanced Manufacturing Council of the EU Tech Chamber takes great pleasure to welcome you to its next Digital Event about “VR and AR in Advanced Manufacturing” on Friday May 14th, 2021 starting at 9:00 am CEST. We will discuss this interesting topic, providing different expert visions and perspectives.

Do not miss the opportunity and register here in our new Virtual EU Tech Center:


DATE               Friday, May 14, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION    EU Tech Virtual Center

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