21 January – EU Tech Digital Transformation Council Digital Panel – After Event

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EU Tech Chamber (EUTEC)‘s Digital Transformation Panel on the topic “How does the Digital Transformation affect Organizational Structures?” was more than successful!

Within today’s Session, we dove deep into the organizational changes that need to happen to successfully adapt to the ongoing Digital Transformation. There were some great statements on the process of initiating sustainable change and a very engaged audience.

Biggest thanks to our two Panelists Tobias Temmen and Daniel Ullrich for your great strategic insights and valuable examples from your experience as change strategists. We especially want to highlight their role as experts and invite you to contact them for any questions or additional interest on the discussed topic.

Also thank you to Maria Jose Perea Marquez, Council Chair at EU Tech and Executive Partner at LD7 for her Introduction, to our MC Laura Preising the Director of our Digital Transformation Council and to Florian von Tucher, EU Tech Chamber (EUTEC) Chairman, for the instructive introduction of EU Tech Chamber (EUTEC).

Last but not least, sincere thanks to all of our participants. It was a pleasure to receive so much feedback and such an interested audience. Thank you all for your attendance and participation. Stay tuned for our next Digital Transformation Event in February you can already register on the link below!


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