22 April – EU Tech Chamber China Chapter – Topic: Business Culture differences between Europe and China

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Due to fast globalization processes and extreme technological development recently, international business has significantly changed its form and shifted from goods to services. International collaboration has standardized many processes, methods and shared services. Still, business styles remain highly influenced by the traditions and cultural heritage of nations.

China is the biggest market worldwide in almost all product and service sectors, thus the objective of many expanding foreign enterprises. In order to enter a new market, socio-cultural conditions always have to be taken into consideration. Chinese particularities in the context of communication, relationships or Guanxi and social reputation or Mianzi should be well recognized. There are a lot of other differences between the business cultures of Europe and China, which have great importance in business cooperation.  

The business cultural differences between China and Europe are different due to a wide variety of aspects: Individualism vs. Collectivism, Masculinity vs. Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation, and so on. In order to perform business in China, European companies have to adapt to the given circumstances.

Join EU Tech Chamber China Chapter’s Digital Panelon April 22nd, Thursday,2021, 9am – 10:30 am (CET) on “Business cultural difference between Europe and China” to learn more.

Why are Chinese less sensitive at data privacy and data security compared to European consumers? How does group orientated culture in China impact on its work structure and decision-making process? In terms of uncertainty avoidance, are Chinese risk or more structure orientated, long-term or short-term orientated?

Register and join now:

DATE               Thursday, April 22, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     Zoom Webinar

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