25 May – EU Tech Chamber Mobility Council – Topic: Emission Free Mobility

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw how reduced passenger and goods transport resulted in rapid reductions in air pollution in many cities and regions. This supports the EU goal of decarbonizing transport to reduce CO2 emissions by 80-95% by 2050.

One-third of CO2 emissions and one-quarter of air pollution in the urban area are caused by landbound mobility and transport. Increasing attention is focusing on the global maritime transport of goods and people. In the global value chain, this industrial sector transports 80% of all goods traded and is responsible for about 25% of the world’s energy consumption and global CO2 emissions.

In the shipping industry, it is currently more difficult to design future business models in such a way that rapid decarbonization seems possible. Experience in terms of suitable energy sources from other mobility sectors, e.g. cars or aircraft, cannot be simply adopted. In the area of digitalization, however, the shipping industry could already learn from the experience in the aerospace and automotive industries and achieve some initial successes in reducing emissions.

Due to the long development and utilization cycles in shipping, it is, therefore, more urgent than ever to develop suitable solutions in collaboration with all stakeholders. The EUTEC is one of the suitable hotspots to gather experts from all necessary fields.

We want to discuss if there is one solution for decarbonizing transport or if we should focus on a mix of solutions, like green energy, hybrid or pure electric powertrains, battery or fuel cell, lightweight materials, digitalization of operations, data analytics, smart infrastructure.

Please allow us to welcome you to our upcoming EU Tech Chamber Mobility Council Digital Panel on “Emission Free Mobility” on Tuesday, May 25th 2021 starting at 9:00 am CET, and explore together how mobility can be better innovated and upgraded. Do not miss the opportunity and register here:


DATE               Tuesday, April 25, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center

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