9 September – EU Tech Chamber Ethics & SDGs Commission – Topic: Ethical Finance – much more than being Sustainable

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Ethical or sustainable finance takes into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that are affecting borrowers. It is not a new concept but will be a dominant investor topic of the 21st century.

Ethical principles have been already applied in internal development project finance to determine, assess and manage environmental and social risk assessed in the project requested funding. The question is why and how we didn’t see these principles used on daily basis with companies and large international corporations as well? Actually, should it be the primary concept we utilise when focusing on ethical principles?

In our discussion on Sep 9th we’ll be covering three key categories of ethical finance: Green finance, Social finance and Sustainability-linked finance. Are those categories enough to move up the agenda for companies and investors? Can we guide investments into ESG- focused companies as they seek to improve their ESG scores and meet investor demands?

What are the strategies that create opportunities and take environmental, social and governance factors into consideration? And what are investor demands for corporate commitment to climate change, human right, diversity, inclusion, etc.?

We’re experiencing that some of the world’s largest companies are not only acknowledging the importance of issues with climate change, human rights and social inequality — they are also leveraging it to help boost the bottom line. Is this ethical?

Today’s world faces unprecedented sustainability challenges, and everyone’s responsibility is to be accountable for those changes – including the investors who need to understand well what’s the role of those issues in every company’s financial viability.

DATE               Thursday, September, 9, 2021

TIME                9:00 – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center

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