29 January – EU Tech Environment Council Digital Panel – After Event

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Today we had a very successful digital panel about the Sponge City concept and look at it from the angle of it being possible to store water and heat and as a concept to combat Climate Change.

A big thank you to our four experts Chyian Peng (Wasser Hannover) introducing us to the concept of rainwater storages and the lessons learnt from China; Matthias Wieschemeyer (M&P) showing us practical examples of thermal and water storages in the development of housing projects; Holger Mansel (IBGW) talking about the use of regional groundwater systems and aquifers as underground storage for heat and cold and Prof. Andreas Dahmke (Christian Albrecht Universität Kiel) summing it up and showing different storage systems for heat underground as well as a strategy for Climate Change adaptation.

Furthermore, we want to thank our Chairman Florian von Tucher for the presentation of the Chamber and its EU Tech Center and to our moderator Anna Huber’s facilitation of the event.

We are very grateful for your participation and support. See you soon in our upcoming events.

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