The EU Tech Chamber is proud to announce that our very first edition of our quarterly magazine Visions for Europe, jointly issued by EU Tech Chamber, the European Senate of Economy and Technology and Mustard Seed-IHD Partnership, has just been published.
As the title suggests, the visionary aspect of our commitment to a sustainable future through technology will be at the heart of the magazine. Visions for Europe will reflect and expand on our core beliefs while focusing on the practicalities of bringing those visions forcefully into play.
We will have interviews with leading figures contributing to the global campaign; we will carry articles exploring different aspects of our philosophy in practical terms; we will deliver reports on specific projects from around the globe; we will keep you updated with latest news and upcoming activities.
We are on the way to make a better change in the world and we are so grateful to have our advocates, supporters and teams being with us for this significant journey. Great thanks to all for our current fulfillment. With great technology comes great responsibility. Technology obliges.