intervivos paving ways to the health and well-being industry!

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Starting date of project: 2021

Duration: Present

intervivos is an association of experts in the fields of medical technology, healthcare and digitalization who are rethinking the healthcare industry. intervivos’ unique approach to achieving sustainable development is to provide responsible and equitable access to healthcare and wellness. The company provides people around the world with access to affordable diagnostics and preventive care. They rely on innovative medical technologies such as PCR micro labs and digital solutions for access to healthcare.

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Last year, intervivos started as a local non-profit initiative for free coronavirus diagnostics becoming one of the leading providers of coronavirus diagnostics in Europe now. With over 1000 members of the intervivos family, they are working together with communities to combat and contain the pandemic. In Germany alone, they have contributed to the health and well-being of over one million people.

intervivos developed specialized solutions to open unserved markets. Africa is the “Forgotten continent” when it comes to immunization and testing. With a 7 percent vaccination rate and virtually no testing options for people, they bring testing and vaccination to Africa.

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A huge challenge faced by the company was the profit orientation and shareholder value which slowed down the impact of sustainable business. To enable social lives right at the point of care, intervivos required smaller, faster, and easier-to-use laboratory equipment. Another challenge was to find the right fit of cost-effectiveness (to motivate as many people as possible for a test) and reliability. Local misinformation became another hurdle in the company’s way. Especially in a previously wholly unknown field to most consumers, they had to educate both customers and employees.

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As more health crises develop around the world, sustainable diagnostic technologies are at the forefront of safeguarding global health and saving lives. To create a long-term impact on communities worldwide, intervivos aims to create a health system based on equity and justice while promoting innovation and sustainability.

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