EUTECH Welcome New Partner Mr. Philippe Zimmermann

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Our heartiest welcome goes to Mr. Philippe Zimmermann. It is incredible to have such a brilliant addition to the EU Tech Chamber advocacy family! Thank you for believing in our vision #technologyobliges and supporting our mission #sdg17. We are pleased that you’re joining our growing network.

Philippe Zimmermann’s expertise and technical competence is in the automotive sector, specifically within the field of conventional and alternative propulsion systems, with a strong focus on decarbonization approaches and strategies for transportation systems. (His perspective is more technical related than regulatory)

In his role, Philippe develops models to assess the energy demand and greenhouse gas potential of transportation systems (currently on-road heavy duty/light duty applications) for an optimal adoption of alternative propulsion systems within given boundary conditions.

He is also working on approaches to efficiently couple the transportation sector with the energy sector by optimizing bidirectional energy use in battery electric vehicles (i.e., V2X). For this purpose, a study was conducted to investigate the effect of bidirectional charging within a so-called “micro-grid”.

Welcome to the chamber family.

#eutecchamber #technologyobliges

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