Based on 2020 trends, the global gender gap was not expected to be closed for another 100 years. Already a mammoth prospect, but according to the latest WEF estimates for 2021, the world is now going backwards on this long road to gender equality. The time required is now forecast at 136 years. The main reason for this? Saadia Zahidi, Managing Director and Head of the WEF’s Centre for the New Economy and Society writes: “The Covid-19 pandemic has raised new barriers to building inclusive and prosperous economies and societies. Pre-existing gender gaps have amplified the crisis asymmetrically between men and women, even as women have been at the frontlines of managing the crisis as essential workers.”
In a spirit of bringing voices of women in technology fields together, supporting networks for women in startups, facilitating representation of women in leadership, raising the awareness of the importance and confidence of womenâs role in technology, we have launched the Women in Tech Commission. Let us work together to narrow the global gender gap for a world of inclusiveness and sustainability.
Source: World Economic Forum & Statista