EU Tech Flash Women In Tech Commission

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“You are paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve.” #ElonMusk

EU Tech Chamber’s Women in Tech Commission is fully committed to bring gender equality to the top of agenda. We are platform for in-depth cross-cultural and cross-industry exchange, that provides thought leadership, global impact and tangible change.

We believe that organizational diversity generates business acceleration from different perspectives and increases revenue. As women and men see things differently they bring unique ideas to the table. This type of collaboration enables better problem solving, which can boost performance at the high strategic and business level. To help a company realize its full potential, we must make gender diversity a business priority!

A diverse workplace creates much better ideas that move businesses forward. Welcoming a variety of women to information technology occupations is essential to growing the STEM industry.

Women in Tech Commission mission is to Support, Define and Empower:

  1. Support women through networking, mentorship and professional growth

  2. Define stereotype free organizational cultures

  3. Empower inclusive, diverse and welcoming organizational models

Digitalization with Industry 4.0 impacts and creates opportunities for leveraging the potential of women’s inclusion. And Women in Tech Commission is designed to foster that inclusion including collaboration, communication, innovation and business opportunities for European technology. We are a platform that matches global companies and markets to strive for innovation-led growth and equality.

Discover here what Women in Tech Commission is about!

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