28. May – Digital Talk Series – Women in TECH – Anna Kopp

EUTEC invites you to the first talk of our digital series (together with Senate of Ecnomoy and Women Soeaker Foundation) on May 28, starting at 17:00 am via Microsoft Teams. The first topic will be "Modern Performance Management in Virtual Teams" by Anna Kopp. 🔜 Date: 28th of May ⏰ Time: 17:00 CET 📍 Location: Digital via Microsoft Teams Login

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EUTEC invites you to the first talk of our digital series about women in TECH (together with Senate of Economy Europe and WOMEN SPEAKER FOUNDATION) on May 28, starting at 17:00 CET via Microsoft Teams. EUTEC’s commission “Women in Technology” partnered up with the WOMEN SPEAKER FOUNDATION and the Senate of Economy Europe to bring that new and exciting format to all our partners and supporters.

The first topic will be “Modern Performance Management in Virtual Teams” by Anna Kopp. She is an expert for New Work, AI and people. Anna Kopp is CIO and branch manager at Microsoft Germany. In 1991, she moved from Sweden to Germany for a semester abroad as part of her studies. She has been working in the high-tech industry for over 20 years. Through her career in Senior leadership positions, she is an expert for team management in flat hierarchies and virtual teams.

Key Information for the Talk:

Topic:             Modern Performance Management in Virtual Teams

Date:              28th May 2020 (Thursday)

Time:              17:00 – 18:00 CET

If you are interested in attending our digital Talk, please send an email to info@eutech-staging-wordpress.rz.mup-digital.com or click here to register:

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