Introducing our Director China Chapter: Federico González de Aledo

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The EU Tech Chamber  takes great pleasure to introduce you all – Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, our Director China Chapter.

Federico is a Lawyer, Executive Manager & Strategic Advisor in Business and International Development with a particular focus on Europe and China.

Federico holds more than 15 years of demonstrated professional experience on a national and international level in Legal and International Trading Business activities, as well as in Business Management and Development.

He is enthusiastic about matching people, companies and markets, B2B, B2C and B2G, in terms of growth and innovation, empowering companies to optimize their market shares and their access to new business opportunities.

Major in Law and Master Degree in Tax Law and having working experience in Spain, Germany and China, Federico is committed to help companies in the development of business projects, but also follows global goals trying to make our planet a better place.

As China Chapter Director, Federico supports our EU Tech Advocates into a soft landing in Chinese Market, helping both European and Chinese corporations to create profitable new business together, reaching the SDGs and to use innovative technologies for the greater good.

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