EUTECH Welcome New Partner, HiPer it!

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EUTECH is thrilled to announce the newest addition to their team: BPS HiPer it!

BPS HiPer it!, part of the renowned BPS International Group, is a true trailblazer in driving digitalization within the real estate industry.

Their secret weapon? HiPerWare® – an extraordinary end-to-end IIoT platform that combines cutting-edge hardware, state-of-the-art software, digital twin technology, and mind-blowing big data analytics. HiPerWare® goes beyond the ordinary, analyzing mountains of data from building systems in real-time.

But that’s not all! BPS HiPer it! offers comprehensive services throughout the entire lifecycle of real estate projects. From their genius entity BPS Planung, which provides BIM-based planning services, to their expertise in optimizing technical operations and slashing energy bills, they’ve got you covered.

By joining forces with BPS HiPer it!, EUTECH is taking a leap forward in supporting local businesses and fostering economic growth. Get ready for a dynamic duo that’s set to revolutionize the IT industry with their expertise and cutting-edge solutions!

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