Innovative Climate Action through Data Revolutionizing the World

Climate Action Plan webinar

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Name of Project: Climate Action Partnership

Starting date of project: 2020

Duration: 2 years (ongoing)


As a Climate Consultancy Go.Blue.Now supports companies with an innovative initiative in showing their customers, investors & employees that they are taking sustainability seriously. The aims of the project are to support clientele with CO2 footprints, science-based climate targets, CO2 reduction plans & sustainability reports, they have chosen SDG 13, take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (Climate Action), as their primary focus. Addressing the Climate Crisis necessarily involves people. First, convince people to act. Nevertheless, technology plays an important role for Corporate Climate Action.

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Go.Blue.Now’s approach heavily relies on data. They think it’s crucial to measure, save and access data. Technology has yet another big impact on Go.Blue.Now’s activities. The Climate Crisis requires efforts at all levels.

Directly influenced SDGs are shifting to an Affordable and Clean Energy System (SDG 7), providing Decent Work & Economic Growth (SDG 8) in the forward-looking renewable energy industry, Good Health & Well-being through less air pollution (SDG 3) and upgrading the existing industrial and energy infrastructure for sustainability (SDG 9). Renewables limit global heating, which is a key driver for the current mass extinction of species. By means of reduced CO2 emissions you contribute to Life on Land (SDG 15) & Below Water (SDG 14). In the long run sourcing renewable energy also fosters Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) as well as Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17). This is particularly true because renewables increase both the independence from fossil fuel supplying countries and are a driver for international cooperation regarding renewable energy supply and demand. As you can see Climate Action on the level of individual companies even has an impact on SDGs on a global level.

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In collaboration with EU Tech Chamber and M&P Group, they also offer expertise in renewable energies, energy consulting, environmental technology, waste, and real estate management. To summarize, they integrate knowledge about a vast number of technologies into their consulting approach to offer the most impactful solutions to our customers. Go.Blue.Now received the EU Tech SDG AWARDS 2021 Award for SDG13.

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Go.Blue.Now’s  approach relies on people. The Climate Crisis is not primarily a technological issue it’s about politics, habits, and mind-sets. All stakeholders – employees, customers, investors, governments and many more need to accept and master new technologies and climate protection innovations. In most cases, mindset-changes and true collaboration are harder to achieve than technical skills, challenges aptly met by their approach. Next, they need an appropriate model for estimating the climate impact of your company’s activities. This step can be quite challenging since it’s important to ensure accuracy and feasibility at the same time. The decision depends on the customer’s needs regarding accuracy and involves emission factor databases and data analysis.

Of course, technological adaptation plays a role but change management starts with people.

As a business owner, you can start making an impact today. And if companies think their contribution does not have an impact because their organization is too small: 99% of all companies are SMEs

Reduce emissions within clients’ company and respect the carbon law. Walk the talk.

Go.Blue. Now will need to scale their operations in the future especially about upcoming regulations. This involves automated tools and eventually Software Development. They expect that more companies will have systems in place to collect carbon accounting data in a lean and efficient way.

Still, for the interpretation, final conclusions as well as identifying new trends for reduction measures they will rely on skilled human professionals. In order to fully realize their potential, networking with companies and businesses, who understand the relevance of their services, will remain the core objective for Climate Action partnership to succeed and be replicated globally.




Useful links: – Alliance for Development and Climate Foundation (

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