Technology Obliges

September 29, 2022 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

China Alliance – Blockchain in China: Trends & Opportunities

China is currently on top of the world with the highest number of blockchain patent applications, accounting for 84% of the world’s total. China is ramping up efforts to develop its blockchain industry, which it hopes to make a world leader by 2025.

To address this subject, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) China Alliance organised a much-needed seminar on September 29, 2022. The topic under discussion was, “Blockchain in China: Trends & Opportunities”.

The webinar started off with an introductory note by Mr. Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Director, China Alliance, followed by a formal introduction of the three panelists. Later, the event was moderated by Ms. Sierra von Tucher, Chair China Alliance & Executive Board Member EUTECH.

The first of the three honorable panelists were Mr. Olinga Taeed from Chinese Ministry of Commerce ‘China E-Commerce Blockchain Committee’. Then, we had Ms. Phoebe Zhou, a Blockchain expert, and last but not the least, we had Ms. Lili Zhao, Director, Neo Global Development.

The discussion started off by the keynote speaker, Mr. Olinga Ta’eed, who spoke about the future prospect of blockchain industry in China. While addressing the webinar, he talked about the Blockchain market size in China saying that “some mining farms are bigger than Heathrow Airport.”

Second in line was Ms. Lili Zhao, who expressed her views on the importance of transparency and privacy requirements in Blockchain-based digital currency. She also focused on the measures taken by the Chinese government to ensure privacy and user data protection.

Our third panelist, Ms. Phoebe Zhao, voiced her point of view about the future of this industry by talking about the digitalization of the Chinese Yen. Moreover, she also termed blockchain as a record keeping system that keeps track of changes to assets within the chain.

The panelists also gave an in-depth analysis about data ownership as well as a comparison between different control point views in China and the Western world.

Biggest thanks to our respectable speakers for their informed insights and experiences on these crucial topics. Thank you to Ms. Sierra Von Tucher for moderating the webinar and presenting Tree-Certificates to the panelists. The most of all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comment, compliments, and questions.

Stay tuned for our next China Alliance webinar on October 27, 2022, about “Robotics Development in China: Trends and Opportunities”.

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