Technology Obliges

October 12, 2022 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

Climate Action Alliance -Carbon Tax and Beyond: How to benefit from Policies and Regulation?

Carbon taxation has turned out to be an essential tool in combatting climate change. Governments use a range of policies and regulations across different segments of markets and societies to set taxes and other fiscal incentives. This strategy can bring long-term advantages by cutting the impact of climate change.
To address this issue, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Climate Action Alliance organised a webinar on October 12, 2022. The topic under discussion was, “Carbon Tax and Beyond: How to Benefit from Policies and Regulations?”

The webinar started off with a brief overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the three panelists by our moderator, Dr. Igor V. Gladkov Gladkov who is also the coordinator of the Climate Action Alliance. The co-moderator of today’s webinar was Ms. Celisa Day, who is also a coordinator of the Climate Action Alliance.

The webinar started off with our first panelist, Mr. christian Horn, co-founder, and general manager at Replace Plastics. Second in line was Mr. Clement Ifeanyi, a climate change advocate and master’s student at University of Malta. The third speaker was Ms. Chinma George, CEO of ClimFinance Consulting, and last but not the least, we had Mr. Tayo Oyekunle.

While addressing the session, the speakers talked about the global climate change crisis and its solutions. They discussed the challenges for installation smart solutions and talked about ways to overcome them.

The presenters talked about the pillars of the society that need to be developed. Quality healthcare, quality education, welfare, food security and water and sanitation were some of the pillars discussed.

Moreover, they emphasized on the solutions to overcome or at least limit the climate crisis especially in the third-world countries. Installation of renewable energy solutions and climate smart agriculture were some key suggestions given by our panelists to overcome the issue.

We want to thank to our respectable speakers for their informed insights on this much-needed topic. Thank you to Dr. Igor Gladkov and Ms. Celisa Day for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next Climate Action Alliance webinar!

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