Technology Obliges

December 14, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Climate Action Alliance – What are the Benefits of ESG Reporting?

The EU Tech Chamber Climate Action Alliance had a very interesting webinar on Dec 14, 2022. The topic of this digital talk was, “What are the Benefits of ESG Reporting?”

The keynote speaker, Thara TK, Founder & CEO of ESG Minds, shared her outstanding insights while presenting the drivers of global goals and the actions taken to achieve these goals. She elaborated on the benefits of ESG reporting and gave a few great examples of how such reports are addressing urgent global issues and building trust and transparency.

Moving forward, she also discussed how we might assess ESG reporting in light of the past, present, and future.

During the panel discussion, the other three astonished panelists also indulged in the discussion and said that, in parallel with the opposition to and criticism of ESG reporting, its popularity is rising day by day.

Furthermore, companies must match their business models with demand in order to move beyond compliance, including pressure from the financial market, ESG ratings, consumers, workers, and other stakeholders.

The panelists agreed upon, ESG information reporting frameworks and rating organizations are multiplying, and they’ve been developed to increase the uniformity and openness of such reporting.

Promoted by the EU Tech Chamber and the Climate Action Alliance, today’s Digital Talk emphasized the importance of ESG reporting due to the fact that it enables businesses to be more open and transparent about the possibilities and hazards they face, as well as to demonstrate to investors how they manage and decrease risks.

Biggest thanks to our honorable speakers: Thara TK – Founder and CEO of ESG Minds, Thuy Nguyen – Invest. Inspire. Impact.🌎 Nguyen – founder and CEO of TerGo, Antonio Messina – Founder and Managing Director of ESG Solutions and Carolin Jonczyk – ESG strategy Consultant, for your informed insights and reflections on these important topics, to our panelists.  We are looking forward to continuing this conversation in our Digital talks.

Many thanks to Judith Yong-Coordinator EU Tech Chamber, for moderating the webinar and presenting Tree-Certificates to honorable panelists.

Most of all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comment, compliments, and questions.

Stay tuned for our next Climate Action Alliance Panel on January 11, 2023, about
“The Main Factors of Global Climate Warming”

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