Technology Obliges

November 3, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Energy Alliance – Renewables Resources Development in Africa and Middle East

The Middle East and North Africa hold the world’s greatest potential for renewable energy, but at present renewables contribute only a mere one per cent to the region’s primary energy mix.

To address this topic, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Energy Alliance organized a webinar on November 03, 2022. The topic under discussion was, “Renewables Resources Development in Africa and Middle East”.

The webinar started off with a short overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the four panelists by our moderator, Dr. Igor V. Gladkov who is also the coordinator of the Energy Alliance.

The webinar commenced with our first panelist, Mr. Eyitayo Oyekunle, CEO of Greenmark Innovations and Associates LIC, Nigeria. Second in line was Mr. Thomas Rieger, CEO at Solarkiosk Solutions GmbH, then, we had Dr. Ikechi Agbugba, PhD, an agribusiness activist and researcher. The fourth speaker was Mr. Titus GAKWAYA from Agro-Technology & Engineering Ltd, Rwanda.

While addressing the webinar, the speakers talked about the benefits of renewable energy development in the two regions. They discussed the use of small-scale technologies such as innovative wind turbines and solar panels to power individual houses, lights, and pumps for rapid development in energy sector.

Moreover, the panelists emphasized on the importance of the agribusiness in Africa not just as a social activity but also as an economic matter. They also talked about the value of agribusiness and its uses to drive economic development and ability to absorb economic shocks.

We want to thank our experienced speakers for their informed insights on this. Moreover, special thanks to Dr. Igor Gladkov for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next Energy Alliance webinar on December 08, 2022, about “Future-Oriented Complexes of Renewable Energy Equipment”.

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