Technology Obliges

February 1, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Enhancing and Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities

With close to 100 registered attendees the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Smart Cities Council held Digital Panel on the topic “Enhancing and Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities” successfully kicked off 01st February. Exciting discussions, many comments and questions, different points of view, and a lot of experiences and knowledge shared!
Sincere thanks to Rainer BachmannPaul Elung’atMichele Nati, PhD, and Gökhan Yildirim for such a great webinar to our panelists, and for sharing your valuable knowledge on “Enhancing and Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities”. It was a pleasure to have you!
Thank you Nedzad Piric, MBA, Ph.D candidate for hosting the webinar and wonderful introduction and Marcus Wiemann for an introduction to the core of EU Tech.
Stay tuned for our next webinar on March 01st, 2022, about “Importance of Cyber Security in Smart Cities” and register now:

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