Technology Obliges

January 11, 2024 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Fueling the Future: Navigating Fossil to Renewable Energy Transition

In this world of dynamic technical development, uncover the challenges and future trends in Energy, where it plays a pivotal role in various sectors of our life redefining business as usual.

To address this topic, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Energy Alliance organized a webinar on January 11th, 2024. The topic under discussion was, “Fueling the Future: Navigating Fossil to Renewable Energy Transition”.

The webinar started off with a short overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the panelists by our moderator, Mr. M.Usman B. who is the coordinator of Energy Alliance.

The webinar commenced with our keynote speaker, Dr.Yadollah Saboohi, Prof. of Energy Systems Engineering. The other panelists for the webinar was:
Arseny Tarasov, Board Member EUTECH & CEO at HiPer it

During the webinar, Dr.Yadollah Saboohi highlighted the reduction in the share of fossil fuels to our energy production in the last two decades and discussed the challenge of bringing it down to less than 10% by 2050 also emphasizing on reducing energy consumption by 30% with the help of energy efficiency. He focused on the heat market and alternatives to move towards the unconventional sources of heat also talking about how we can reduce energy consumption in Cement and Steel industry by applying energy efficiency techniques.

Moreover, Mr. Arseny Tarasov discussed transition to renewables requires a balanced approach, where this transition could be disruptive and costly. He described the methodology that provides predictable results for CxOs, starting a project from the creation of current Business Energy Model that is a standard structured data model and then analyzing BEM for priorities for energy transition.

We want to thank all our speakers for their informed insights on this topic. Moreover, special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Usman Bari for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next Energy Alliance webinar!