Technology Obliges

September 19, 2023 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

Mobility Alliance – Railway Systems Experience and their Future Developments

There are indeed various issues in network construction and sustainability, which include factors such as environmental concerns and securing funding. Not to mention, the potential and hurdles of intermodal transportation. A goal here is to uncover the achievements of Europe’s railway system, confront sustainability challenges, envision intermodal solutions, and chart the course for a future of efficient, environmentally friendly transportation.
To take a closer look into this topic, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Mobility Alliance organised a webinar on September 19, 2023. The topic under discussion was, “Railway Systems Experience and their Future Developments”.

The webinar started off with an opening speech and a brief overview of the Alliance by Mr. Bernd Mattner, Board Member of the EUTECH Mobility Alliance. Thereafter, Mr. Ahad Zaka, Coordinator of the Mobility Alliance, gave an overview of the organisation and an introduction to each panellist.
The panellists for today’s webinar were:

·        Mr. Eric Soller – Sustainable Transport Mobility Specialist
·        Mr. John Paddington – a Senior Manager at ERTICO – Public Transport and MaaS Expert

During the webinar, the speakers discussed the railway systems in Europe: infrastructure, investment on a national and regional level, as well as budgets and local implementation. Delving further in, the success of the European railway network was discussed, including factors such as train frequency, digitalisation, management and maintenance.

It went on to speculate about the next 20 years of development in terms of capacity, construction and renewable energy production and consumption. Challenges in various aspects such as finance, market, technical and politics were also discussed. Additionally, so was the adoption of data-driven solutions and smart applications to enhance routes and safety, along with the necessary legal adjustments.

Towards the end, a fruitful question and answer session allowed both panelists to further their insights on the topic at hand, in response to participants productive communication.

We want to thank our moderator, and our respectable speakers for their informed visions on this much-needed topic. Moreover, special thanks to Ahad Zaka for distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.
Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next Mobility Alliance webinar!

#eutech #webinar