Technology Obliges

January 17, 2023 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Mobility Alliance-“Sustainable Mobility from a Global Perspective”

Mobility is an important driver for several UN SDGs, as it has fundamental impacts on economic development, industry, and trade & investment. On the contrary, mobility brings many challenges in terms of climate and environmental impacts, sustainable energy supply and jobs.

To take a closer look on this topic, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Mobility Alliance organized a webinar on January 17, 2023. The topic under discussion was, “Sustainable Mobility from a Global Perspective”.

The webinar started off with an opening speech by Bernd Mattner who is the chair of Mobility Alliance. Next, we had Serdar Yucel, director of the Mobility Alliance, who gave a short overview of the organization and moderated the event.

First of the three speakers for today’s webinar was Stasa Mrdovic, Manager for Passenger Transport at International Road Transport Union (IRU). Then, we had Norman Starke, Managing Director at Proof Technologies and Stefan Spinler, Professor of Logistics Management at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

During the webinar, the speakers discussed the needs of transport operators in the transition to green mobility for meeting climate goals. Moreover, they talked about the influence of human activities on global climate change causing an increase of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.

The panelists also talked about the development of electric vehicles to achieve higher-level goals for the well-being of mankind, as embodied by the UN SDGs. Similarly, they spoke about the outcomes of increased utilization of light rail infrastructure for parcel delivery to promote sustainability in urban transport.

We want to thank our respectable speakers for their informed insights on this much-needed topic. Moreover, special thanks to Bernd Mattner for opening the webinar and Serdar Yucel for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next Mobility Alliance webinar on February 21, 2023, about “Impact of Sustainable Mobility on Energy Supply & Environment”.

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