Technology Obliges

July 14, 2022 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

SDG Alliance -Building a Better Future: Youth Engagement in SDGs

On Thursday 14th July 2022, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) SDG Alliance held a successful Digital Talk on the topic “Building a Better Future: Inspiring Youth Engagement in the SDGs.”

The webinar begins with a warm welcome by Javier Lopez, Board Member of the EU Tech Chamber. Moderated by Svetlana Nyameyo, Coordinator of Africa Alliance EU Tech Chamber, the webinar offered an insightful discussion about how as young leaders of tomorrow, it is pivotal that youth are informed and engaged with the global vision for the future

Indulging into the discussion, panelist Samuel A. Ajala, Team Lead of DANI Africa, shared some interesting data on youths. “If we want to achieve SDGs, we need an inclusive society that considers youth. If we want to solve problems, be it climate issues, unemployment, poverty, gender equality, conflict, and migration, then active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts is central,” he said.

While panelist Chibunna Ogbonna, CEO & Co-founder of Kiru Energy emphasized that creating awareness is the cornerstone to achieving SDGs goals by inspiring Youth Engagement in the SDGs. “When we raise awareness about the SDGs through social media, we reach out to young people who are always on social media. Social media could be a very useful tool to raise awareness because unless young people do not know about SDG we cannot engage them in SDGs.”

Panelist Anthony AKPASOH, Founder of Tonipash Energy highlighted that youth is mere hope for a better future. “Youth are the agents of change. Youth have the strength to push for what they want. Youths are innovators. Youths are leaders. Youths are critical thinkers…Youths have the ability to carry out the change we are talking about. Youth can achieve the SDGs goals,” he stated.

Lastly, panelist Josh Edem Kojo Dotse, Youth Advocate for Climate Action at HATOF Foundation, discussed some of the key challenges that youth faces when it comes to engagement in the SDGs offering tremendous recommendations. “Capacity building in the right context is essential: training, you learn, you acquire the knowledge, you acquire the skills, you have the coaches, and you have the support, so you develop yourself. This is something that young people should leverage if they want to change the narrative in terms of being able to understand the SDGs goal.”

The webinar concluded with the distribution of tree certificates to the webinar’s panelist webinar by Benedikt Grütz, Vice-President of the European Senate, appreciating their active participation.
EU Tech Chamber extends the deepest appreciation to our speakers for their knowledgeable insights. We would also like to thank all attendees who follow us on our mission to build bridges by leveraging technology for the benefit of Europe and mankind. It was indeed a pleasure to have you!

Stay tuned for up-and-coming events and activities by EU Tech Chamber SDG Alliance on August 11, 2022.

#technologyobliges #eutech #technology #future #youth