Technology Obliges

August 11, 2022 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

SDG Alliance -SDGs: Best Practice and Challenges

The EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) SDG Alliance had an insightful webinar on Aug 11th, 2022. The topic of this digital talk was, “SDGs: Best Practice and Challenges”

In this digital talk, the speakers discussed how to implement the best practices to address the constraints and challenges not letting us achieve the Global Goals. With only eight years remaining to #Agenda2030, reaching the SDGs will require collaboration, coordination, and coherence within governments and beyond.

The panelists at the webinar said that standardization is missing to meet the Agenda-2030 with its main content-SDGs signed by 190 countries. And the main reason is that few companies have identified KPIs for sustainability actions, measure impact and progress.

It was conversed that two primary issues exist today and that is hampering the drive to Universal Global Education. That means we are too focused-on infrastructure rather than real influential education.

It was also considered during the discussion that the capacity of SDGs needs to be localized starting with stove and water treatment, and doorways to industrial development will be opened.

The panelists agreed upon, to achieve the UN-adopted SDGs we have to find data using reliable sources, choose relevant KPIs, focus on actions, know what positive impacts we create through our actions, increase education and awareness, and implement effective laws and policies.

Promoted by The EU Tech Chamber and the SDG Alliance, this Digital Talk aimed to analyze that with only eight years remaining to #Agenda2030, reaching the SDGs will require collaboration, coordination and coherence within governments and beyond.

Biggest thanks to our honorable speakers, Tuuli-Anna Tiuttu – Co-Founder & CEO at SDG Monitor, Anthony Reid Harvey – Managing Director – Africa Prosperity Inc, Matthew Norton – Founder of Memusi Foundation, Henry Cofie Fordi – Project Lead – Guzakuza for your informed insights and reflections on these crucial topics, to our panelists.  We are looking forward to continuing this conversation in our Digital talks.

Thank you to Svetlana Nyameyo– Coordinador EU Tech Chamber, for moderating the webinar and presenting Tree-Certificates to honorable panelists. We also thank to Javier Lopez– Board Member EU Tech Chamber for his warm welcome remarks.

Most of all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comment, compliments, and questions.

Stay tuned for our next SDG Alliance Panel on September 15th, about
“The Role of Technology in Achieving SDGs”

#eutecchamber #technologyobliges #SDGsalliance #europe