Technology Obliges

October 12, 2023 (CEST) @ 9:00 AM

SDG Alliance – The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Poverty Alleviation

In an era where global challenges demand innovative solutions, social entrepreneurship emerges as a dynamic force for positive change. This webinar will explore how social entrepreneurs are driving impactful initiatives that address poverty and inequality, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

To delve deeper, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) SDG Alliance organized a webinar on October 12, 2023. The topic under discussion was, “The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Poverty Alleviation” in which the goal was to discover how regenerative agriculture can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable food system.

The webinar started off with a brief overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the panelists by Mr. Ali Mustajab Naqvi, coordinator of the SDG Alliance.

The panelists for today’s event were:
Ms. Evelyn Ngatia, Chair WIT Alliance, Founder and CEO of TechaWatt Ltd.
Ms. Alaa ElShafei, UAE Country Chair G100 Global Women Leaders; Leadership & Entrepreneurial Education
Mr. Mudit Pathak, Social Entrepreneur, Celebrity Anchor, Producer and Social Media Influencer
Ms. Alicia D. Polak, MBA, MPA, PMP,DASM, Founder of The Khaya Cookie Company (US) & the Khayelitsha Cookie Co (South Africa)

The speakers delved into the transformative power of social entrepreneurship in addressing poverty and inequality. It showcased how social entrepreneurs are at the forefront of driving impactful initiatives that not only uplift communities but also contribute significantly to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The discussions highlighted real-world examples of successful social enterprises, demonstrating their potential to create lasting, sustainable change. Additionally, the experts shared insights on the crucial role of ecosystem support, policy frameworks, and collaboration in enabling social entrepreneurship to thrive and make a meaningful impact on poverty alleviation. Participants gained a deeper understanding of how this innovative approach is reshaping the landscape of poverty reduction efforts worldwide.

The webinar proved to be a place with productive discussion and feedback. We want to thank our respectable speakers for their informed insights on this much-needed topic. Moreover, special thanks to Mr. Ali Naqvi for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.
Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next SDGs Alliance webinar!

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