Technology Obliges

February 6, 2024 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

Smart City Futures: Navigating Innovation, Creativity, and Harmonized Solutions

In order to explore the transformative concept of smart cities, focusing on the integration of advanced technologies and creative strategies to build sustainable, efficient, and inclusive urban environments. How cities can leverage innovation to improve infrastructure, services, and quality of life, emphasizes the importance of collaborative approaches to address the challenges of urbanization and create harmonious solutions for future generations.

In this light, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Finance Alliance organised a webinar on 6th of February, 2024. The topic under discussion was, “Smart City Futures: Navigating Innovation, Creativity, and Harmonized Solutions”.
The webinar started off with a short overview of the organisation and a formal introduction of the panellists by Aeerena Naqsh e Dil, coordinator of the Smart Cities Alliance.

The panellists for this webinar were:
– Dr. Stanislas Bigirimana, Senior Lecturer Africa University
Betania Allo, JD, LLM, ALM, D. Eng (c), Cyber Law and Policy Expert
Sophia Hasnain, CEO Linked Things

During this webinar, there various facets of creating harmonized solutions for smart cities were covered by each panellist. Firstly, urban water demand and supply analysis were discussed, with a specific focus on monitoring consumption, analysing energy losses and creating reports. On the other hand, cybersecurity was brought up as another important aspect that are to be considered. With the degree of deception in this information age, things like data breaches and other risks are crucial to acknowledge as ones that come with smart cities. And hence it is important to create a culture of awareness and responsibility by introducing things like educational programmes and harmonised cybersecurity that would empower both individuals and communities.

Thirdly, the concept of waste management was introduced. More so than just re-using and recycling, training and the ability to safely deposit toxic waste, it was highlighted that managing waste could also be tackled via IoT (The Internet of Things). Furthermore, it is a matter of tackling it holistically – through the mindset of the stakeholders, rather than simply a top-down approach.

Overall, it was a fruitful discussion; one that ended in an interesting Q&A session which culminated in each panellist getting to elaborate on their insights. And one that will no doubt be continued.