Technology Obliges

January 31, 2024 (CET) @ 3:00 PM

Tech Marvels: Paving the Path for Social and Economic Progress

The Americas as a region, is characterized by diverse cultures and economies, and stands at a critical juncture where technology can serve as a bridge for cooperation and development. It is therefore imminent to delve into the pivotal role of emerging technologies in fostering social and economic advancement in the Americas.

To address this topic, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Americas Alliance organized a webinar on 31.01.2024. The topic under discussion was, ”Tech Marvels: Paving the path for social and economic progress.”

The webinar started off with a short overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the panelists by our moderator, Ali Mustajab Naqvi who is the coordinator of Americas Alliance.

The webinar commenced with our keynote speaker, Carol Cueva Camacho, Founder and Senior Advisor of Cueva Group. The other two panelists for the day were:
· Francesco Rubino – Strategy Consultant for SMEs and Innovative Startups
· Francisco Espinoza, Serial Entrepreneur in Technology, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality.

The webinar successfully brought together experts and stakeholders from different sectors to discuss the integration of cutting-edge technologies in driving socio-economic progress in the Americas. The presentations and discussions focused on vital areas such as agriculture, education, health, and finance, all of which are fundamental to the progress of societies; how advancements in these sectors could lead to substantial improvements in the quality of life and economic opportunities for people across the region.

Furthermore, by examining the enabling technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, networking connectivity, energy, and smart devices, the topic allowed the exploration of how these innovations can transform the landscape of the Americas. It highlighted the energy transformation journey, emphasizing the shift towards more sustainable and efficient energy sources. Lastly, the webinar examined the key conditions necessary for growth and cooperation in the Americas, which are essential for leveraging technology to its fullest potential in achieving regional integration and development.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our speakers for sharing their informed insights on this crucial topic. Special thanks to Ali Mustajab Naqvi for skillfully moderating the webinar and facilitating the distribution of Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Last but not least, we deeply appreciate the engagement of our attendees – your comments, compliments, and thought-provoking questions are what make our webinars impactful.