UNSDG Goal 4 Quality Education
Education is a means to increase socioeconomic mobility, to reduce inequalities and to reach gender equality. It is the key to escape poverty, and it is also crucial to foster tolerance and more peaceful societies. However, according to the UN, more than half of all children and adolescents worldwide are not meeting minimum proficiency standards in reading and mathematics.  And due to COVID-19, by April 2020, close to 1.6 billion children were out of school.
Given the massive potential of technology, EU Tech Chamber believes Technology will facilitate the innovation of education and help more children and people in general to have access to education. See what our advocates are doing to push this SDG forward: IESE – believes that genuine and sustainable prosperity can only be achieved through a humanistic approach to business; MittelstandsCampus – who helps to up-skill companies and employees in the fields of robotics, automation, 3-D printing and data science; getINNOtized – who aims to generate jobs for digital talents across Pan-Africa. Let us make a valuable contribution to the realization of inclusive and equitable access to quality education.