World’s top 20 tech giants by brand value

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During this Pandemic period, the increasing use of digital tools for business meetings, school education, daily or healthcare supply access, entertainment and etc. have made us feel technology is indispensable and dominating in today’s business and life.  Facing this unprecedented global challenge, tech brands have proved their worth and resilience.

Check the world’s top 20 tech giants ranking by brand value (Source: Brandz, Global Top 100 Most Valuable Brands / Kantar (including data from Bloomberg) / Visual Capitalist). 

14 American brands which accounts for 70% of the total 20 brands makes U.S. the top in tech. 4 Chinese brands making up 20% and with Germany and South Korean brands claiming the rest 10%. This pandemic has offered up era-defining change, with tech and e-commerce seizing the day. 

Brand Value Definition: Financial Value (Financial value of the patent company attributed to the specific brand, included current and projected performance) 

*Brand Contribution (Financial value driven by brand equity, including likelihood that a consumer chooses the brand over another, or pay more for it)

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