Technology Obliges

17 February – EU Tech Chamber Africa Chapter – After Event

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With 120 registrants from plus 30 countries at our “Digital Investment Talk on SDG9 & 11: Key Drivers to expand rural industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa by innovative technologies the Energy Council of the EU Tech Chamber could welcome again a highly passionate audience.

Key take-aways were: need to more adjust technologies to African needs; more experienced experts required to generate cash flows locally for communities; and for fair-value partnerships resources from both, Africa and EU, to be put to the table!

Sincere thanks to our moderator Ashley WEARNE, GET.transform (EU), who has made this a lively and insightful debate with these panelists: Kadidiatou HAEZEBROUCK, Energy & Services (Burkina Faso), Chris PREUSS, Lotus Project (United Kingdom), Nico PETERSCHMIDT, Inensus (Germany) and Carlo CECCHETTI, RES4Africa Foundation (Italy).

Many thanks to our Chairman Florian von Tucher for his inspirational introduction as well as to all participants again for joining the debate.

For regular community information & engagement please subscribe to our new EU Tech Chamber Africa Chapter Linkedin Group!

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