With nearly 100 registered attendees the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Advanced Manufacturing Digital Panel on the topic “IoT in Advanced Manufacturing” successfully kicked off today!
Sincere thanks for such a great webinar to our panelists Janko Pavlovic, Co-founder & CEO at Digital worx doo, Hanspeter “JP” Meindl, Partner & Thought Leader Industry 4.0 & IOT at Wipro Limited, Vincent Antoine Digital Manufacturing Consultant at EOS GmbH, and Michal Ukropec, CEO at INFOTECH, for sharing your valuable knowledge on the field of IoT and Advanced Manufacturing. It was a pleasure to have you!
We also would like to thank EUTECH´s Chair Florian von Tucher, for his inspirational introduction, Martin Affolter, Board Member of EUTECH´s Advanced Manufacturing Council for his warm Welcome Speech, and Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Director of EUTECH´s Advanced Manufacturing Council, for leading this lively session.
Stay tuned for our next webinar on July 9th about “Cyber Security, Transparency & Privacy in Advanced Manufacturing”, also stay connected with us through our LinkedIn Advanced Manufacturing Group.
#eutechchamber #technologyobliges #advancedmanufacturing
18 August – EU Tech Chamber Africa Chapter – Topic: New Technologies for growing Manufacturing & Processing in Africa
A successful industrialization path usually builds on access to and effective utilization of clean, advanced & digital technologies for manufacturing and processing as this builds