12 August – EU Tech Chamber Ethics & SDGs Commission – Topic: 10 Key Recommendations to Build an Ethical Business Future

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Organizations today operate in an increasingly dynamic, interdependent, and global business environment, where competition is fast-paced and political uncertainty ultimately challenges sustainable business performance. Never was it more crucial for sustained business success, to consider business models through the eyes of customers. Next to the mere financial performance, consumers, today are ever more concerned about the societal and environmental impact of businesses.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of 17 global goals with 169 targets, included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In order to realize this agenda, personal change, political reforms and technological innovations must come together and create conditions that enable businesses to engage in a “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. In this context, activities of businesses should aim for societal impact beyond borders and proactively contribute to economic growth globally.

Considerable technological developments experienced in recent years offer promising prospects in terms of competitiveness of products and services, by easing the ability to integrate aspects related to sustainable development in business models. These developments, in turn, require from businesses to adopt adaptive corporate strategies, enabling them to adjust business models to the ever-evolving ecosystems that they operate in.

To join us on August 12th at 9 am CEST to discuss such an important topic “BUILDING AN ETHICAL BUSINESS FUTURE ” with our great speakers who were Whitepaper contributors.

DATE               Thursday, August, 12, 2021

TIME                9:00 – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center

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