With nearly 80 attendees the EU Tech Chamber’s Advanced Manufacturing Digital Panel on the topic “Transition from B2B to B2C in Advanced Manufacturing” successfully kicked-off today!
Sincere thanks for such a great webinar to our panelists Ruth Houbertz, CEO of ThinkMade Engineering & Consulting, Damir Ivan Konjevod, Founder of Croatian Industry 4.0 Maturity Center and Fabian Krauss, Key Account Manager at EOS, for sharing your valuable knowledge on the field of Advanced Manufacturing. It was a pleasure to have you!
We also would like to thank our EU Tech Chamber Board Member Javier Lopez’s inspirational introduction, our Advanced Manufacturing Council Board Member Martin Affolter for his great welcome speech and also Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Director Advanced Manufacturing Council, for leading this lively session.
Stay tuned for our next webinar on April 9th about “Importance of Big Data in Advanced Manufacturing”, you can register here:
23 June – EU Tech Chamber Latin America Chapter – Topic: Opportunities in LatAm’s Smart City Projects
Latin America is the developing region with the highest urbanization rate on the planet and the tendency indicated by the United Nations shows that in