Thank you for being part of our today’s EU Tech Chamber Climate Action Commission Digital Panel on the topic “Combating Climate Change through Mobile Technologies”.
Thank you to Rafael Pérez Colón, who gave an insightful key note presentation during the webinar. Rafael is the co-Founder & CEO HisKen Ventures SL, he is Associate Professor at IE School of Global and Public Affairs and Secretary of the Directorate and Member of the Advisory Board for the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS).
Thanks also to our Panelists Marie, Founder and CEO of the The C Collective), Valérie Itey, Founder and CEO of Clic Recycle® and Simon Lutzenberger, Head of Sustainable Financial Solutions CHG-MERIDIAN.
Our 3 Panelists contributed to stimulating discussions, particularly around behavior change, ownership versus leasing, circular product and process design, data integrity and planned obsolescence.
Thank you all for participanting and stay tuned for our next Event on May 12th.
SDG #12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG #12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns “With great technology comes great responsibility” The European Technology Chamber (EUTECC) believes that technology obliges and should