Urbanization is a vital source of future business solutions, yet new strategies are needed to build the places where people live and work, and also for the mobility systems that connect them. EU Tech Chamber’s Mobility Council aspires to match trendsetting mobility solutions and technologies with companies and markets to strive for innovation-led growth in Europe.
Join our digital talk on Monday Dec 14th 2020 at 9 am CET surrounding the topic of “Mobility challenges in cities and urban areas in Europe”. We are delighted to have Janet Markus, Chair Mobility Council and Executive Partner for Sales & Communications at LD7 to give us an orientation of the council work, and Mr. Stefan Stempian, the Board Member of EU Tech and Founder of Innovision Consulting & Ventures, will be the MC of our webinar. The EU Tech Chairman Florian von Tucher will also be with us introducing EU Tech Chamber. Looking forward to an inspirational talk.
Do not miss the opportunity and register here to join:
Key Information:
DATE Monday, December 14, 2020
TIME 09:00 a.m. CET
LOCATION Zoom Webinar