27 July – EU Tech Chamber Mobility Council – Topic: Standardization for Future Intelligent Mobility

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The mobility and transport sector plays an essential role in sustainability and decarbonization. The latest discussions have shown, that these benefits can be achieved through integrated smart technological solutions that provide greater efficiency and are significantly based on digitalization and connectivity. We use these technologies to create local, regional or global intelligent mobility and transportation ecosystems.

Technological building blocks of these ecosystems are vehicles, communication networks, transportation backbones and infrastructure, on-premise backend system and cloud solutions, big data and artificial intelligence based on software everywhere. Even though the world around us is changing rapidly, as users of these ecosystems, we want to benefit from progress and expect trusted and dependable solutions, e.g., in terms of availability, safety, cybersecurity, data sovereignty, and transparency.

We achieve this through the joint development and application of national, European, and international standards and regulations that provide the necessary orientation, security, and clarity for users and providers.

Using the example of software standardization in the automotive sector, we want to discuss how, even in the face of rapid technological change, industry standards can drive cross-cutting innovation and support the development of mobility ecosystems, whether achievements here can be applied to other industry sectors to accelerate support for the SDGs and what role the contribution to standardization organizations plays for companies in the context of corporate social responsibility.

Please allow us to welcome you to our upcoming EU Tech Chamber Mobility Council Digital Panel on “Standardization for Future Intelligent Mobility” on Tuesday July 27th 2021 starting at 9:00 am CEST, and explore together how global standardization can help to faster innovated and achieve sustainability. 

DATE               Tuesday, July, 27, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 09.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center

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